Makiki's Cave of Thoughts

The magic system in Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is simple – and yet provides a great amount of depth, even despite the fact that the best spells in the game are obvious, with Town Portal being the literal best spell in the game.

But as there are the strongest spells, there are also the weakest spells – and it does feel like it would be natural for there being the clear worst spell in the game, if there is the clear best one.


ChatGPT is definitely something very hyped in the techbro sphere, for reasons that tend to fall apart under any degree of scrutiny. For me though, ChatGPT is an anti-tool, and by this I mean that it not only does not fulfill the advertised goal of being essentially an expert in your pocket, but also has a significiant negative impact on humanity as a whole.


So, on a whim of a creativity burst, I have decided to make a yet another go at making an enigmatic puzzle collection. Enigmatic puzzles are puzzles where you aren't given the rules of the puzzle directly – you have to deduce them from the clues provided. One of the most well known puzzle sets like this is Notpron, and it is definitely one of the inspirations for what I want to create, even though I don't like a lot of design decisions there.


Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is a game that is close to hearts of mine and many other people. The community of this game, while relatively small and niche, is still going strong, even having cash prize pvp tournaments! There are also many in-game improvements thanks to various mods.

That being said, there is one thing that has little support in HoMM3, and is a thing that is sometimes being asked about – that being free for all player vs player gameplay. There are few maps and random map templates that properly try to support this type of play – and well... the mechanics of HoMM3 work against the FFA format being fun, due to several pretty major problems that show up specifically in this one format of play.