Modern web fucking sucks – and it sucks for so many reasons that I run out of anger at this point and only sadness remains. And yet I still manage to feel the need to air my greviances – even though I know it ain't gonna change shit in practice. It will be just a somewhat structured inconsequential rant – but I just need to put it out.
The internet is designed to be decentralized, to have no central authority. It is designed to be the web of many networks communicating with each other. Anyone in theory is able to host their own services, their websites, and connect with others freely... except this is very much not the case. And well, there is quite a few reasons for this, to say the least – but here I want to focus on the one of them – IPv4 address exhaustion.
ChatGPT is definitely something very hyped in the techbro sphere, for reasons that tend to fall apart under any degree of scrutiny. For me though, ChatGPT is an anti-tool, and by this I mean that it not only does not fulfill the advertised goal of being essentially an expert in your pocket, but also has a significiant negative impact on humanity as a whole.